Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum |
P.Oxy. 14 1649 22.2 x 13.6
Abstracts of Contracts (After A.D. 280) A series of extracts from the records of bibliotheke demosion logon at Oxyrhynchus, containing brief abstracts of documents concerning the property of a family. The ends of lines are lost, and fairly certain restorations in specific lines combine to suggest that about 25 letters are missing in ll. 1-17 and 10 more after that point. The heading of the list, showing the source of it, is partly preserved. The items are arranged chronologically, beginning in A.D. 257, the latest referring to a year not earlier than 279-80. The lower margin of the column is partly extant, and that the list was continued in one or more columns is not very likely.
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