Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum |
P.Oxy. 16 1906 29.5 x 93
Account of embolae, etc. (6th or 7th century) Ends of three columns of a taxation-account dealing with the embole, with an impost called prosphorai Alexandreias, and money forwarded to Alexandria. Only one section is complete, and though the others follow the same formula, the loss of their first lines leaves it doubtful whether they referred to different years or e.g. to different areas. The scheme is: (1) amount of corn delivered, stated in artabae megalôi (or megalai?) kagkellôi; (2) amount required for embole and prosphorai Alexandreias, stated in artabae kagkellôi; (3) conversion of (2) to artabae megalôi kagkellôi + percentage; (4) excess or deficiency of (3) compared with (1); (5) amount in solidi sent to Alexandria.
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