Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Preis. 30

24 x 12

CG10565 SR1540

List of official acquisitions

(4th c. AD)

The text runs on both sides. The right margin of the front is actually the right margin of the entire roll. The front is actually the palaeographic verso. The list covers the period from Pharmouthi 23 to Pachon 3 of an unknown year.






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150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)


72 dpi image (b/w)
150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

72 dpi image (b/w)
150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.