Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum |
P.Oslo 2 32 29.5 x 13
Sub-lease of Public Land (July 28th, 1 A.D.) A sub-lease of public land: two cultivators of public land concede six arourae of their holding to Batrachos for one year. The arourae are to be sown with grass and they are to be grazed by the sheep of Batrachos. The lessee is required to furnish the seed and the lessors have to execute all work concerned with the upkeep of the embankments, the irrigation, the dykes, etc. The lessee has to pay a fixed rent of x drachmae of silver per aroura with a surplus of x drachmae. Now the lessors have received in advance 200 drachmae of silver, and this sum probably makes up the entire rental for the year that Batrachos has to pay. The document has been registered at Apias.
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