Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum |
P.Cair.Zen. 1 59022 40.5 x 18
A money account (Not dated) A detailed account of a sum of money owned by the writer, or rather by his employer, the total being 2 talents, 2,124 drachmae. Of this sum 2 talents in gold of various denominations had been deposited in the bank of Stratokles. The gold coins did not exactly make up the amount of 2 talents; there remained a balance of 10 drachmae 4 obols in favour of the depositor, and this he had drawn out of the bank. Below is a line in smaller hand-writing, evidently a correction of lines 10-20. The gist of it is that the gold deposited in the bank was less by one octadrachm than the amount mentioned above, so that, instead of 1-drachmae 4 obols having been withdrawn, a sum of 93 drachmae 2 obols had been paid in to complete the two talents.
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