Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Zen. 4 59593

24 x 17.5

CG59593; JE51564; SR0309

Fragment of a letter to Zenon


After transacting some business concerning certain vineyards in the neighbourhood of Memphis, the writer had postponed his journey up the river, as he wished to pay his respects to Diotimos. But being informed that Zenon wished to see him, he had arranged to sail up to Kerke and ride across to Philadelphia, when he heard that Zenon was coming to sacrifice at the Hellenion in Memphis. Through some mistake they did not meet, and he now asks Zenon to write and let him know if the business is urgent. He also begs for 200 drachmae (it appears that Zenon had some money of his in hand) in order to pay the taxes on the vineyards and recover the securities which he had deposited.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.