Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Masp. 2 67138

32 x 21.5 (average)

CG67138; JE40878; SR2217

Account of the expenses of comes Ammonios

(AD 543-46)

From a book of six leaves. Belongs to the archive of Dioscoros. (A) Account of the sums remitted to the hypodektes, on the receipts of Menas, for the 5th indiction. There follows the listing of the debtors and of the duties they have settled, sometimes with the indication of the use which has been made of the payment. On the verso, account of the sums, 6th indiction, after Ammonios' return from Antinoe; Paophi. (B) Account of the dues in kind of the properties of the illustrious comes, 8th indiction. The first has been delivered to Apa Isaac, of the deanery. These taxes are the chrysika (paid in cash), as opposed to the embole or payment in kind. On the verso, account of public taxes paid by the comes Ammonios, 8th indiction. (C) Account of the payments in kind of the 9th indiction. On the verso, account of taxes in cash due for the properties of the illustrious comes. One part of the demosia of the 9th indiction has already been counted above; but they were only those of the first levy, and furthermore the properties located at Aphrodito do not figure in the picture. The rest of these taxes are placed here. (D) This bears only the copy of an entagion for the annona, without doubt of the 9th indiction.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.