Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Masp. 2 67177

35.2 x 30.4

CG67177; JE40915; SR2428

Poetry (an Encomium)

(VIth Century AD (?))

A poem in dactylic hexametre by Dioscoros. The present piece is addressed to an unnamed person - the dux of Thebaid - in whom the author is praising, among other qualities, illustrious birth. Belongs to the archive of Dioscoros.





72 dpi image (colour)
150 dpi image (colour)
300 dpi image (colour)

72 dpi image (b/w)
150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.