Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Masp. 2 67183

14 x 28.2

CG67183; JE40919; SR2245


(AD 566 (?))

Part of a poem addressed to the Emperor Justin II, shortly after his accession. It seems, from certain expressions, that the author is talking about the arrival of the emperor at Antinoopolis, and festivities given by the dux of Thebaid on this occasion. As no Byzantine emperor has ever appeared in Egypt, it is possible that these allusions concern the images of the emperor, sent to the provinces after the coronation. On the verso there are two more poems by Dioscoros. The hand is the ordinary writing of Dioscoros, less neatly exectuted on the verso. Belongs to the archive of Dioscoros.





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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.