Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Zen. 1 59033

21 x 31

CG59033; JE48481; SR0738

Letter from Nikias to Apollonios

(19th January, 257 B.C.)

Apollonios had written to a certain Lysimachos, evidently a man of high rank, asking him to give his messengers some fruit trees for his or their plantations. As Lysimachos happened to have gone down to Alexandria, the letter was answered by his agent Nikias, who writes that he has shown the messengers round all the orchards and advised them to send a delegate to Lysimachos, who could give them a better supply from down the river. The messengers, however, preferred to take what they could get from Nikias, and he adds a list of the sorts which they actually took: fig-trees of six kinds, pomegranate, apricot, apple and eleven varieties of vine.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.