Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Zen. 1 59041

24.5 x 10 and fragment containing docket 3 x 10

CG59041; JE48489

Letter to Zenon

(19th March, 257 B.C.)

This incomplete and rather obscure letter is about a tax-collector who had been arrested and taken to the Arsinoite nome as though responsible to the authorities there. The writer was probably a tax-farmer at Memphis or in the Memphite nome, and the arrested man had been an employee of his and was now an employee of his colleague or successor Athenodoros. Apollonios had already ordered Theodoros to write to Zoilos, the Arsinoite oikonomos, and to Mnesistratos to return the man to his employers, and the writer asks Zenon to procure Apollonios' order and send it on to him.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.