Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Zen. 2 59203

25 x 34

CG59203; JE48652

Letter from Apollonios to Zenon

(23rd May, 254 B.C.)

Apollonios writes that he has sent Zenon a copy of the letter which he has just written to the native peasants in Hephaistias ordering them to appear at Philadelphia by day-break and not let Peton the chrematistes be detained. The copy is subjoined. In it he informs the peasants that he is too busy to hear the case himself but has sent Peton instead. They are therefore to meet him at Philadelphia early next morning in order that he may hear their pleadings and those of Sopatros the agent of Damis, so that, if the latter is proved to be guilty, he may receive the punishment he deserves.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.