Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cair.Zen. 2 59247

17 x 34

CG59247; JE48696

Letter from Philiskos to Zenon

(1st March, 252 B.C.)

Philiskos, the present oikonomos of the Arsinoite province, writes that he had been about to set out for Philadelphia when a letter arrived ordering him to go to Ptolemais to meet Ariston, a member of the Court, who had sailed up to see the nome; but he expects to be with Zenon on the 17th. He asks him therefore to send Hedylos to Krokodilopolis in order that they may draw up a form of contract and then put the work up to tender in Philadelphia. He also tells Zenon to inform him whether he has received the mattocks from the Herakleopolite nome.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.