Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum |
P.Cair.Zen. 2 59269 16 x 42.5 and 19 x 20.5 total height 34
Account with Herakleides the vine-dresser (Probably year 34) Herakleides had contracted to pay 375 drachmae for the right of exploiting a vineyard of 37 1/2 arourai for one year. Moreover he had bought vegetables, fruit and roses on a large scale and had entered into various other transactions, so that the whole amount of what he owed came to 851 drachmae, 5 obols. From this had to be deducted his wages for work on the vineyard in the next year and various other sums due to him, reducing his debt to 305 drachmae, 3 obols.
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