Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Fouad 5

27 x 24.5


Virgil, Aeneid III, 444-468, with Greek translation

(4th-5th century A.D.)

This large fragment of papyrus carries verses 444-456 on the verso and 456-468 on the recto of Aeneid III, with a Greek translation running on a parallel column. The papyrus is in a bad state of conservation. Most probably the page comes from a codex. The hand, in both languages, is a practiced cursive, assignable to the 4th-5th century.





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300 dpi image (b/w)


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150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.