Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Fouad 80

32 x 15.5


Letter from the doctor Eudaimon

(4th century A.D.)

Eudaimon, a doctor, sends a long letter to his mother and his brothers to ask for their news. He is worried because they had to go through the same troubles that he and his family had to endure. When he comes to the details however the numerous lacunae obscure the meaning, but it is clear that he was having judiciary difficulties, perhaps to do with an inheritance. The language is correct and reveals a high level of erudition. The verso contains an address, which is almost entirely effaced.






72 dpi image (b/w)
150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

72 dpi image (b/w)
150 dpi image (b/w)
300 dpi image (b/w)

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.