Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Oxy. 8 1098

5.2 x 20.8


Vergil, Aeneid ii, 39-46

(4th or 5th century)

Small fragment of a Latin ms. of the Aeneid written in square capitals. The fragment is part of a leaf of thin vellum, which was ruled horizontally and vertically with a hard point. When complete the page must have been fairly tall, the column consisting of some twenty-three lines. The text has been revised by a corrector whose blacker ink is easily distinguishable from the brown of the first hand. He also added occasional marginal notes, inserted some stops in the middle position, and touched up others which he already found there. The verso, illustrated here, contains Aeneid ii, ll. 29-46, the recto ll. 16-23.





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300 dpi image (b/w)

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.