Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Phil. 1

31 x 44

Documents concerning weavers

(About A.D. 103-124)

Four joined documents concerning the obligations and liturgical exemptions of weavers. There are three columns of text, the first two are complete, while the third preserves its full height, but only the beginning of each line. The first document is a copy of a letter of A.D. 108, from an unnamed functionary of high office to Artemidorus the strategus. The letter specifies the conditions under which weavers could be compelled to cultivate public or domain land. The second document is an extract of an edict of the prefect C. Vibius Maximus (A.D. 103-107). It is also concerned with obligatory farming and contains a list of persons exempted from public duties. The third document is a copy of the proceedings of a hearing. It reports the judgement of the hypomnematographos Julius Theon in a process brought by the weavers against the comogrammateus Amounis. The fourth is a letter of the prefect Haterius Nepos to the strategos of the Themistou meris Flavius Acilianus. The contents cannot be reconstructed, but the date is about A.D. 120-124.






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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.