Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cairo 10759

Codex P.Cairo 10759, found at Akhmim (Panopolis) in Upper Egypt and dating from the 6th-9th. centuries, contains manuscript copies of both the Gospel of Peter and chapters 1-27 of 1 Enoch:

Gospel of Peter

Apocalypsis Enochi

1:1:1 - 2:3:2
2:3:2 - 6:2:3
6:2:3 - 9:4:2
9:4:2 - 10:10:3
10:10:3 - 12:4:5
12:4:5 - 14:5:2
14:5:2 - 14:22:3
14:22:3 - 17:6:3
17:6:3 - 21:9:2
21:9:2 - 25:4:2
25:4:2 - 27:5:2

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A project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.